Thursday, May 18, 2006

Well Dawn wanted me to make another blog so here it is. And I actually have something to write about. A few things actually.

The first...well it looks like I'm going to be changing my travel plans for January-Febuary. It is looking a lot like I won't have nearly enough money to go to Australia. I'm okay with that though. I am already looking at making some alternate arrangments. I am definatly still taking the time off, and i'm definatly going some were outside of Alberta. What i'm thinking is that I am going to find a church, either in Canada or the US, and see if they would be willing to trade me room and board for a months worth of service. Be it with computers, youth, cleaning, what ever they would like me to be doing. Then my second month I am thinking of doing the same thing at the DC. Minus the room and board obviously. But just go there and serve for a month doing what they need me to do. Or possibly run some kind of computer ministry for a month. Let people bring in there computers to get fixed for free, or setup lan parties and such for people. I'm not sure on the details yet since I have until January to get it all strainted out. I need to do some praying and try and find out what God would like me to be doing with that time.

The other thing is really cool, at least I think so. I think i wrote about the test i took in a past Blog. The one that I was almost posative that I failed, and that everyone else failed to. Well I got an email at 2:20 yesterday afternoon that i didn't actually notice I had till 7:30 this morning. Well the email went something like this "As you passed the exam for the subject job competition we would like you to come in for an interview at 10:30am on Thursday May 18). I read it and was like WHAT!!! how the crap did i pass that test. I haven't seen the test, but i'm almost convinced that God went and finished it for me, because I do not understand how I could have passed. There was three of us who took it, and if I heard correctly 2 of us passed. Me and the military Guy. Supposidly the other guy didn't pass, but I don't know for sure. So yeah, praise God. If I get this job that will be so totaly amazing, and so totaly God and not me. But it is what i've been hoping/believing/praying for all year. A step up into networking, and network security is were I want to take my career, and this is likely the last opportunity, at least in this area, for 3-5 year if not longer. But this computer i'm on is done doing what it needs to do, so I should get back to the office and see what else needs doing.

Peace and God bless


Blogger Dawn said...

Scott this post makes my heart happy! CONGRATS!!!! If i remember corectly i had said b4 that sometimes we think we did crappy (and without God we would have) but God manages to pull through for us!!! (that and you are incredibly bright... dont even try to disbute that!) You know what Scott? I love your servant and encouraging heart! I see God blessing that and using that in you all the time and it warms the heart! So be encouraged, be blessed and thanks for being you!

5/18/2006 12:46 PM  
Blogger JP said...

Scott, congrads on the test! That's exciting to know you've passed and you're starting to see what you've been believing for, comin on down - for it's the next contestant on the price is right!

I think that's so awesome that you're giving up your holidays for God to do what HE wants to do - that you're seeking what He wants and I have no doubt, not even one in my mind that He'll honor that and you'll be doing something inspired by God. Great post!

5/18/2006 1:35 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

Well this all happend faster then expected.

Turns out I didn't get it. What happens now basicly is that I was a successful canidate. But the other successful canidate has more experiance in the specific areas that they are looking for. So now i've been added to a pool. If he happens to leave, or if other positions come up then they are able to bipass the process and just give me the job.

Obviously i'm kind of upset about that, but the guy who got it is a good guy so....

Peace, and see some of you tonight.

5/18/2006 3:38 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Well then God has something better for you then thats all I see it as...God works in weird ways and He doesnt let us see the whole plan just part of it which is the mysterous exciting have a great rest of your week and see you this weekend.

5/18/2006 5:32 PM  
Blogger Jelea said...

God's got your back...and he knows about the Ontario stuff!

5/18/2006 7:11 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

wow Scott... thank-you, they are gorgeous! and made my day... i appreciate it! Be blessed man of God!

5/18/2006 9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool man. You've been thinking of your computer ministry for a while now haven't you. Isn't there a CS2 position coming up soon? I thought someone was moving or something.

Just like everyone else, it's wonderful to see the blessing in your life. I can't help but think of the last few years of the journey you've been on. I keep thinking about when you first started (and myself a few weeks later) going to the DC. Especially, when we were mistaken for skaters. :)

Here's to continuing of the journey and the blessing that comes with it.

P.S. And this opens the opportunity to have you come with me to Australia in a couple of years.

5/18/2006 10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I'm with Dawn. You definitely need to post more often if you're getting this many responses.

5/18/2006 10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats at passing the test. Hopefully the guy they hire ends up realizing this is not the job he wants to do and you get it.

Whatever you end up doing during your two months off will help you grow. And think of the stories you will be able to tell others in the future.

5/18/2006 10:52 PM  
Blogger D. said...

Hey, congrats, and don't worry. The Lord will lead you where he wants you. Even if it isn't that job right now.

As for your time off, that's an awesome idea. I know a friend that did that. He actually took a month off, got a month long greyhound pass, and just stopped in a city and knocked on doors until he found a church he could help out at for a few days. Allthough he took a tent and camped. After 2-3 days, he'd jump on the bus and go to some other random place. He said it was the most amazing month of his life.

I know you'll be an amazing blessing wherever the Lord leads you!

5/19/2006 8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

7/18/2006 3:41 AM  

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