Saturday, September 23, 2006

Tattoos, Hand Guns, and Scott going over the edge

Well I decided to write another blog, this one having nothing to do with animation, or rendering, or any of that stuff.

Now regardless of what the title says I'm not actually going over the edge. However, I think there are some people who think I might be, or at least think I'm close. I'm going to try and explain a bit, were I don't think I've done such a great job.

I'm not totally sure were to start, so I will talk about the first part of the title. As I'm sure most you know I want to buy a gun. And as most of you also know I also want to get my tattoo finished. Currently I don't think I'll be able to afford both. So, I've been thinking that maybe I would postpone my tattoo completion in favor of buying a gun. This actually may tie into the rest of the blog in that me wanting a gun may be part of what has some people worried about me.

Now, not that I don't appreciate the fact that I have friends who care enough to worry, I don't think me becoming violent unnecessarily is something anyone has to worry about. It's true I'm aggressive You can talk to Ed or Ian. I've been like this a pretty long time. I don't think how ever that I've ever been a particularly violent individual. I am of the opinion how ever that violence/aggression is some times the only option to resolve a situation.

Now I need to regress a bit as I'm starting to ramble and loose my train of thought. The idea for this blog started a day or two ago while I was chatting with Connie, and I made a concerted effort to explain to her my feelings of wanting to punch someone in the face. And to be honest with you, that's not it at all really. Saying I want to punch someone in the face is more of just a joking way of explaining that I'm feeling aggressive I don't think I've ever actually hit anyone in the face. Been in a couple of scraps, but none of them were that bad. But I'm digressing again. Now I don't want to over spiritualize things, but I am positive that a lot of what I'm feeling is in the spirit realm. There is so much apathy and other crap on the Nation of Canada that it makes me sick some days. While at the same time I let that get all over my own life. This also pisses me off. Combine all of that with a naturally aggressive personality (I'm a man, I like danger, and adventure, all that other good stuff), the stresses of every day life, and a few other factors, and you end up with a Scott that wants to punch something or someone in the face.

I'm hoping this helps to alleviate some worry, or maybe it just causes more, but either way I hope it brings some incite into the life that is Scott.

Peace and God bless


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Well it's time for some of the geek in my to come out in my semi frequent "art" I started working on a new render/animation. This time i'm going to be doing a light saber. I have the basic handle done which you can see below. I need to finish coloring/texturing it, then figure out how to add the blade. Once I have that part done I am going to try and do an animation of the saber lighting like in the movie. If I get real ambitious maybe even some sound effects, but I won't hold my breath on that part.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Time for another update from the wonderful world of Scott's rendering. Here is a still from my first animation. And if you go to then you can see a low res version of the animation it's self.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Nothing much to add. But here is another belnder render. This is my dice. Eventually I would like to right a program that will let you roll it. But don't know how long that will take. Prolly going ot make some more stuff today if I am board enough. if so i'll add it onto the end of this post.

I'm lazy so i'm going to just add this image onto this post. And tommorow I should be adding an animated dice. Not to the programing part yet. but going to tackle animation.