Tuesday, June 27, 2006


You read the title. Meh. That's about how I've felt the last couple of weeks. About blogging, work, socializing, life in general. Not sure why, but it's why I haven't written a new blog before now, or really read/posted on anyone else's. I wouldn't say I'm depressed, but I am feeling kind of antisocial to a degree.

Not to much is going on to write about. I've started watching season 1 of Deadwood, and NCIS. There both cool shows, though Deadwood is pretty crude, and because it's HBO there is no censoring, there's cursing, and some occasional nudity. Okay there is a LOT of cursing. But it's still a good show. NCIS is like CSI except with army people. The NCIS agents aren't army, but they investigate Naval/Army type crimes. Also still watching 24 with Mel. I'm excited to get to watch a couple of episodes soon. Found a couple of nifty games online made by this guy so I'm going to post a link to his webpage. You should really check it out. The best ones are grow cube, and grow v3. http://www.eyezmaze.com/

http://www.foon.co.uk/farcade/hapland/ links to a game called hapland. It's a quirky, brain messer upper of a game. I've beaten the first one, but no were near getting through the second, and haven't looked at the third yet. I don't know if I have his email anymore, but Joel would probably dig these games so someone should send them to him for me. Or just tell him to read my blog this once.

But I'm at work so I should get back to it (needed a short break from all the urgent get me done right now work orders I've been working on for the last couple of weeks)


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Whine, whine, whine

Well Josh wanted me to post a new blog, and we all know how he can get when he doesn't get his way :)

I still don't have anything to really right about. God's not to active in my life right now. Probably because of me, but that's okay. Things are winding down for me for the summer which will be nice. Get a bit of a break.

24 Season 4 is pretty good, though Mel and I agree that 3 was better. I won't give any break downs though, don't wanna ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. And I just noticed that my blog entry screen is acting kind of weird. When I press the the space bar it doesn't move my cursor over a space until I type an actual character. It's kind of freaken me out.

Milk? Color? I think I'm kind of partial to white. I thought purple at first since it's my favorite color, but I saw purple ketchup once and it made me want to vomit. So yah, white, not off white, not mother of pearl (Both of those would make me think of milk that comes from some were other then a cow. I know I'm sick, but you should all know that by now). Plain old pasteurized white.

I did just email a few people a link to a web page I got emailed to me. Its sorta spam, and I normally delete stuff like that but I am a movie junkie so I actually signed up. The link is

http://www.flixster.com/servlet/invite/212666416vqjABCm if anyone else wants to check it out that I didn't email it to.

I also am playing a couple of online games one at www.stargatewars.com (if you sign up you should make sure that you make my guy your commander. You get a bunch of bonuses for doing so. My character name is fotowca) The other one is called Times of Conquest and my character name in that is also fotowca, but you can't really get any help from others in that one. Not in the begging levels anyway. http://world.timesofconquest.com/index.pl is the URL

But that's long enough for a post I wasn't even going to write.


Monday, June 05, 2006


Just some random stuff that's poped into my head after reading everyone elses blog.

Inspired by Dawns blog and Josh's post on it (the one with the picture of the little old lady):

I think in North America we need to have the scales removed from our eyes. I've said multiple times in the past that part of the problem with our nation is that our faith isn't challenged like it is in other countries. We are not faced with the choice of "Jesus and Death, or life"

But is that the case? Are we not actually faced with that decision every day? Sure no one is going to chop off our heads if we don't renounce christ. But does that mean the decisions we make every day aren't life and death? If we make the wrong ones doesn't it mean eternal death? It's hard to see though, it's hard to put into perspective something that doesn't have effect here and now.

I fully believe that North America (Or any 1st world nation with freedom of religion) has been a proving and refining ground for the enemy. In a lot of nations your faith is challenged directly with the aformentioned life and death choice. In North America we have freedome of religion, the right to choose if we want to serve Jesus, or Budha (though strictly speaking I don't think Budhism is an actual religion), or allah, or Bafomat, or who ever else we might choose. We also have a rampant apathy (Def. - Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.) that has flooded our nation. People don't care, even people who care don't care. I say it all the time that Apathy is one of the things that angers me the most. I see it in our youth, in our adults, our companys, our friends. But I just can't seem to pry my self off my apthatetic ass (Pardon my language) to do anything about it. It's so easy for people to be couch warriors. Saying we'll go were God say, do what God says, and do both when he Says. Then sit on our couch waiting for the phone to ring. There's lots that needs to be done, and I don't think we need an audible word from God to go out and do it. But there on my couch I sit.

I'm starting to ramble so i'm going to end that particular verbal diareeha.

I had some other stuff I wanted to write about, but after that last bit i'm drawing a blank on what it was. So i'm going to stop writing (it's 10:39 so my break is over) and i'll come back to it at lunch and finish it up.

Well i'm on lunch now, and i'm eating triscuits with melted cheese, and it's good. But I still can't remeber what else I was going to write so i'm done for now.
